' +
/*This function first get the value of Textarea. And read length of that Textarea
character. then compare the value of set value.*/
function displayWordCounter() {
var max = 0; // MaxChars naar Integer
if (max > 0) {
var getTextValue = $j('#contact-form-message').val(); // Get textarea value
var getTextLength = getTextValue.length; // Get length of input textarea value
if (getTextLength > max) { // Compare this length with total count
getTextValue = getTextValue.substring(0, max);
return false;
$j('#textcount').text('(' + String(max-getTextLength) + '/' + max + ')');
' +
'' +
' +
'' +
'' +
' +
'Heeft u vragen, ideeën, wilt u lid worden of wilt u ons ondersteunen als sponsor? Neem dan geheel vrijblijvend contact met ons op!